Nobody Has Ever Handed The Ball Off To Saquon Barkley Better Than Jalen Hurts Does

Pray for Reags!!!

Day 1 of NFL Training Camp, baby. Ain't nothing better than this. You get the beat writers all live tweeting every little moment from drills with the intensity of a conference championship game. It's preseason for them, too, and they need to get those tweets off. 

Who came into camp in the best shape of their life. Who showed up to camp a little out of shape and started puking during the first conditioning drill. The quarterback throws a pick--does the reporter blast the quarterback for a bad ball, or praise the cornerback on anticipating the interception? We are tweeting out videos of a handoff against zero defense. Not breaking a few tackles and going off for a 65-yard carry during a scrimmage or anything. Just a handoff against air. 

And we all eat that shit up because it's better than the nothingness we've seen for the past 160 days. 

Football fandom is such a mental illness if you actually think about it. It's a practice, and yet somehow you can't watch a clip of Jalen Hurts simply pitching the ball to Saquon Barkley without immediately thinking to yourself there's no way this team doesn't win a Super Bowl this year. But at the same time...I mean...find me one way this team loses this year. 


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